The Many Types of Surround Sound Systems

by | Jan 3, 2014 | Appliances

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Surround sound systems are a great way to get a cinema like experience in your very own home. They come in many forms, and there are so many available that the purchase process can often become overwhelming. Sound bars are a very popular choice in modern homes, as they are very compact and don’t require any additional equipment. A sound bar is a long, plastic speaker that is generally placed above or below your flat screen television. It works differently to an average surround system, because it curves and bends sound around your room. This means that you don’t need to have several speakers placed around the room, and it is a more practical option for those who don’t want excessive wiring running throughout their homes.

Speaker Systems

Speaker systems and other surround sound electronics in Dana Point, CA can be purchased quite affordably for people on all types of budgets. A 5.1 surround system generally consists of 5 speakers, a subwoofer, and a control box. The idea to this surround sound system is that you place a speaker in each corner of the room. The sound is delivered from all angles, and it can be a great and affordable way to get a cinema like feel. The downside to this type of system is that a lot of wiring is needed to go throughout the room, to connect all of the speakers. It is possible to bypass the wiring requirements, if you purchase a wireless system.

Tower Systems

Surround sound systems vary depending on what you need them for. If you want the full experience, then you may want to opt for a tower system. A tower system consists of two large speakers that are generally free standing. The rest of the speakers are placed throughout the room and are usually suspended from the walls. The taller speakers give you a more dynamic sound, as the speakers in the tower deliver sound from a range of heights. Surround sound tower systems are great for any purpose.

Whether you want a system to improve your gaming experience, or a system to watch your movies in style, you will get an amazing experience when you have a surround sound system in your home.

Dewey’s TV & Home Appliances provides a huge range of electronics in Dana Point, CA. They have surround sound bars, home theatre systems, and other types of popular electronics and appliances for the home. Visit to know more.