The Most Common Types of Glass Repair Service in Matawan, NJ

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Home Improvement Services

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Typically, glass does not shatter all at once. Instead, it cracks and then the crack grows. Over time, the growing crack turns into a serious hazard that will break at the slightest provocation. In the case of a baseball flying through the window, it does shatter all at once, but that’s a rarity. Since it is more common for windows to break in tags, you can call an expert for glass repair service at any point along the way to arrest the development of the problem.

Cracks and Chips

Cracks and chips in your windows are not uncommon. They occur when something hits your window with enough force to break the glass but not enough weight to actually break all the way through. That happens especially during storms that blow around pebbles, acorns, sticks, and other debris. That debris can crack or chip your windows. If that happens, you should call Superior Windows & Glass, LLC.

Even if the chip is not bad, you should have it addressed by a professional because it will grow. A quick glass repair service in Matawan, NJ can save you a lot of money and headaches in the future.

Replacing Glass

If your glass does shatter all at once or if you let it go for too long, you’ll need an extensive glass repair service. This greater service will involve removing the broken glass and replacing the panes with a more functional glass. That is typically the last resort unless the glass has been broken completely. For example, if a baseball flies through your window, there’s no repairing the glass. You can only replace it with new glass. You might consider storm glass or double glazed windows. They might offer some protection against baseballs. A screen would offer even more protection; you should consult with window specialists about protecting your windows.