The Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening Batavia

by | May 2, 2014 | Dentist

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People desire to have a beautiful teeth so they can show off a beautiful, white smile. This one desire is what makes Teeth Whitening Batavia services so popular. Whether they want whiter teeth because they are in the public eye a lot or for a special occasion, like a wedding or other event. Before you decide to invest in this dental service, you should know the pros and cons.


  • Aesthetic appearance – Enhancing your appearance is the number one advantage of whitening your teeth. After you have this professional service performed at your dentist’s office your teeth will be several shades lighter, making your smile look whiter and brighter.
  • Improved self-image – When you feel comfortable to flash your newly whitened smile, you also feel better about yourself. Self-image is crucial to being successful in your life. You will find yourself smiling more and people will notice
  • Anti-aging effect – One of the signs of aging people tend to just accept is yellowing teeth. If your teeth are stained or discolored, it makes you look older, which can make you feel older. Whitening your teeth can subtract a few years off your appearance by taking the focus off fine lines and wrinkles and putting it on that white smile.


  • Gum soreness – Even though soreness of the gum line is temporary, it still happens to some patients after a whitening process. It happens to people with sensitivities to the bleaching formula. You can request an alternative to bleach Teeth Whitening Batavia formula if you have had problems in the past.
  • Tooth sensitivity – Some people experience tooth sensitivity after a dental whitening treatment. If you already have tooth sensitivity, you may not want to have it done.
  • Expense – Teeth whitening can cost more than some people are willing to spend, or can spend, on their teeth. If your budget gets in the way of whiter teeth, ask your dentist for alternative methods for whitening at home. Click here for the best teeth whitening services in Batavia.

Your dentist will examine your teeth and consider your dental history before recommending teeth whitening for you. The issues associated with this process are usually preventable when your dentist knows you. It is always better to have whitening done under dental supervision or instruction for safety. Afinia Dental offers quality teeth whitening and other dental services for all your dental needs. You can learn more about this dental service provider at the website