When it comes time to painting, some people ditch the brush for the spray. With evolving technology the old-fashioned way – brush stroke by brush stroke, is being abandoned for air or airless paint sprays. West Palm Beach industries and residences often find themselves under the gun – the spray gun that is. It is one way of speeding up painting for homes, garages, industrial structures and, most certainly vehicles. It also intends to ensure even quality.
Spray Technology Options
The basic means of applying paint using the spray method is through a spray gun. This allows the operator to exert control over the painting procedure. A spray gun is quick and easy to operate. A spray application system, at its most basic, consists of:
- Spray gun – to shoot the paint
- Pressurized paint container – in which to place the paint
- Compressed-air system – to create the pressure
- Flexible tubes – these act to connect the various apparatus
Yet, other spray technologies are available to help those who wish to apply paint through this method. Among them the choices include:
- Airless paint sprayers – West Palm Spring individuals find this type more suitable for larger projects
- Airspray paint sprayers – These are best for use in fine sprays or when a job requires more finesse
When it comes to choice, you also have other decisions to consider. Do you want high-volume low pressure (HVLP), high-volume, stepped-down low pressure or even low-pressure, low volume. Before making such a decision, go online and do your research. Contact professionals in the business and talk to friends and family who understand or have used a spray application system.
Other Paint Spray Technology Options
Technology has also permitted you to now choose from different sizes as well as spray control systems. You can purchase or rent a regular size spray system. You can also consider a mini-spray gun. In addition, there are other compact and very light spray guns for those with small hands and/or difficulty in handling weighty objects for extended periods.
For hard-to reach places, you could look at a nozzle spray gun. If you select the right model, it comes with various detachable parts to alter the spray flow and style.
Making Your Choice
It is your decision. Be sure you understand what you need to do – the purpose of spraying rather than painting the surface. Only after you fully are aware of what you need to do should you consider the means through which you plan to do it. Experts may agree which will do the job best. If so, consider buying or renting one. If this is not the case, consider your options.