Three Things to Consider During Landscape Design in Long Island NY

by | Jun 4, 2015 | Landscape Contractors

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Creating a unique design takes plenty of time and effort. A design can not be created in only a few minutes, and even a few days is not always a long enough duration. Weeks of planning is often necessary when considering a landscape design for the yard. Landscape Design in Long Island NY requires careful consideration before the project can begin.

The Amount of Space Available

Not everyone can create the lawn of their dreams. Some have yards that are not large enough to accommodate all of their ideas. Before starting a design, home-owners need to consider the amount of space they actually have available to work with. The design can not interfere with the house, and needs to leave enough space for other components, such as a shed, walkway, or play area for children.

Plant Size

When adding plants as part of a landscaping design, home-owners need to consider the size of the plant when it is fully matured. If they put a bush or tree in as a seed, they will have more space than they think. As it matures, both the bush and the tree will grow quite large, taking up a great deal of room. The size of the plant at its mature age needs to be considered when adding plants to the yard.

Plant Smell

Many people simply focus on the color that plants add to their lawn. They often do not think about the mixture of smells that might come about. Some plants have a harsh smell that would not be ideal to have around on a regular basis. For a lawn that is inviting where many will spend their time, flowers with a more bearable smell will be best to use.

Landscape Design in Long Island NY needs careful planning. Yards are not often big enough for all home-owners wish to include. Each person looking to upgrade their lawn need to plan out the design in advance. By considering the size that plants will grow to, the smell they will give off, and the amount of overall space available, anyone designing a new landscape can make the most of their space and create something beautiful. home-owners can find a landscaper to turn their landscape designs into reality.

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