Time For A Professional Carpet Cleaning In Naples FL? Three Signs You Should Call Today!

by | May 4, 2023 | Carpet Cleaning

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Residential carpeting adds quite a bit of comfort and style to your home. The thing is that the carpeting does need attention from time to time. Along with basic care every week, it pays to arrange for professional carpet cleaning in Naples FL, once or twice a year. Here are some signs that the time is right to call a professional.

The Carpet Looks the Same After You Vacuum

The reason that the carpet doesn’t look great after vacuuming has nothing to do with surface dust or dirt. At this juncture, the grime is deep within the carpeting itself. The only way to extract it is to have a professional come in and thoroughly clean the carpeting. Along with improving the appearance, a professional cleaning also reduces damage to the fibers. The result is that the carpeting retains a more attractive look for more years.

The House Smells Musty Even After You Clean Everything

You’ve washed the windows, had all the windows treatments cleaned and been over just about every surface in the home. In spite of those efforts, your house still smells a little musty. That’s because of the odors trapped in your wall-to-wall carpeting.

If you’re serious about getting rid of the musty smell, arrange for a professional carpet cleaning in Naples FL. This the only way to go. With all the grime removed from the carpet fibers, you’ll find that the odors are gone, too. Your home will smell fresher than it has in a long time.

You Can’t Remember When the Carpet Was Professionally Cleaned

When was the last time you set up a professional carpet cleaning in Naples FL? If you’re having trouble remembering, that’s a sure sign that the time is now. Once you have the carpet cleaned this time around, set up a schedule so that a professional comes back every six months to a year. Remember that twice a year is a good choice if you have children or pets.

Why wait any longer? Call today and arrange for a professional to come out and clean the carpeting. Remember to mention any specific issues that may be present, like pet stains or stains left from spilling tea or wine. That will ensure the professional brings along products that help to remove the stains. A professional will also ensure your carpet ends up looking great. For more information visit Greener Southwest Carpet Tile & Upholstery Care.