Tips for Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Pest Control

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While honey bees and bumblebees could be good to have around, as they help to transfer pollen and fertilize plants, carpenter bees aren’t something homeowners want to have lived near them. Signs of an infestation include piles of dust and bees that don’t tend to sting people. These bees can make holes in any wood on the property, including wood products found in the home. This could damage the integrity of the home, as the holes can be up to a foot long. This is why it’s important to deal with Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh right away.

Deal With the Nests

One of the potential ways to get rid of carpenter bees is to cover the entrances of their nests. You can plug these with putty or with caulk. Amazingly enough, once trapped, the bees don’t try to get out again. Carpenter Bee Removal in Pittsburgh using this method doesn’t require the use of any insecticides. Another potential insecticide-free way of getting rid of carpenter bees is to poke the nest with a stick and then vacuum up any bees that come out. This method only works with relatively small and new nests, however.


Of course, it’s also possible to use insecticides marketed just for this purpose. Simply wait until all the bees seem to be back in the nest before spraying. Watch to see if any bees resurface. Some people spray twice just to make sure that they get all of the bees. However, many people prefer to avoid using insecticides due to potential health issues with exposure to these chemicals or the potential for the insecticides to possibly harm other, beneficial insects, such as honeybees.


As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This means that once you’ve managed to get rid of the carpenter bees, you’ve got to take the proper steps to keep them from coming back. Installing a non-wood siding is a good way to do this. Another option is to fill all of the holes caused by the bees with putty and then making sure the home is regularly painted.

Sometimes, it’s necessary to call in the professionals. The-Beeman can help get rid of any stubborn carpenter bees. You can visit the website to find out more about our services.