If you want to avoid having to spend money needlessly on a car repair in Franklin you may want to learn about the most common repairs you will need to have done to keep it on the road. You may also have a better understanding about when it just needs a basic service and when there’s a more serious and expensive problem.
One of the most common auto repairs is an oil change. Your check engine light may come on when it is time to have this type of car repair in Franklin. Most people have the service performed once every three thousand miles. It is especially important to have your oil checked on a regular basis because if it gets too low it can damage your engine. Your mechanic can do this sort of maintenance on your vehicle in only a matter of minutes. Many times mechanics will also take the opportunity to check other engine systems to make sure they are working properly and do not need any maintenance. And your mechanic will perform a basic visual inspection to look for oil leaks around your engine.
Another one of the most common repairs is for brakes. Regardless of what kinds of brakes your vehicle has, they will wear out and will have to be replaced. If your brakes are worn out entirely the longer you wait to have them replaced the more damage they may do to other components. Plus it can be dangerous to drive with faulty brakes. If you have any questions about a Franklin car repair your mechanic will do a quick inspection to see if your vehicle is still safe to drive. The tires also need regular maintenance. You should have the air pressure checked and have them rotated according to the manufacturer’s specifications. If your vehicle gets out of alignment it can affect the tread wear and the performance of your vehicle. Most mechanics are certified and experienced in doing vehicle alignments.
If you live in cold weather you will want to have your mechanic check your battery’s performance about once a year. A faulty battery can leave you stranded at work and waiting for a repair truck in the middle of winter. Extreme weather conditions can be especially hard on a battery. Chances are you will not be using your air conditioning system in the winter. But you will want to have it checked before the warmer weather arrives. Many times you will need to have more coolant added, which is often considered a minor repair.