Top Reasons for a Roofing Inspection in Flower Mound, TX

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Uncategorized

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Texas homeowners rely on quality roofs to keep their homes protected from the elements. The National Roofing Contractors Association recommends a Roofing Inspection in Flower Mound TX twice a year following both the coldest and hottest weather to identify areas of concern. This may seem far too frequent for some homeowners, but the following reasons will explain why regular inspections are useful in extending a roof’s service life.


Just as living things show wear and tear as they age, roofs will show visible wear and tear throughout their service lives. Commonly, aging will lead to small openings around tiles or shingles. If left unchecked, those openings can lead to water infiltration. Regular inspections can catch this type of damage so homeowners can have repairs done before widespread damage can be done.

Maintenance Damage

Roofs can be damaged from contractors performing routine maintenance on air conditioners or other systems. Damage could occur from heavy equipment sliding on the shingles or from contractors failing to clear their debris. A regular inspection would include cleaning up the area to avoid having debris cause other problems.

Proper Drainage

Roofs that drain properly can avoid water damage issues. Improper draining allows water to pool and increases the chance of water penetration. A regular inspection would include clearing debris that could inhibit draining.

Mother Nature

Contractors are not the only ones who leave debris on a roof. Leaves, seeds, spores, and even critters could land on or climb onto the roof. Seeds could sprout in damp areas and cause damage to the roof. Regular cleaning can remove these possibly damaging items before they can cause a problem.

Protect the Warranty

Many roofing warranties require an annual or biannual roofing inspection. Failing to prove a qualified roofing contractor performed an inspection could void the warranty. Check the fine print of the roofing warranty and document the roofing inspections to keep a valuable warranty intact.

In Closing

Based on these reasons, obtaining a Roofing Inspection in Flower Mound TX is critical for extending a roof service life. Click here to contact Pro Select Roofing to discuss scheduling an inspection or for more information. You can also follow them on Twitter.