Two Ways to Save Money on Heating Oil in New York

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Heating Oil Supplier

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Having heat is very important during the colder months. Not only does it keep you and your family comfortable, but having heat will also maintain the piping and appliances inside the home at acceptable temperature levels. Unfortunately, heating oil comes with quite an expensive price tag. Instead of going broke this winter, use these two tips to save money on heating oil in New York.

Pricing Options

Different heating oil companies offer different pricing options and plans. It is always a good idea to determine what type of pricing option works best financially before hiring a specific heating oil company. First, there’s the market price option. With the market price option, the amount paid for delivery is determined by the going rate of oil on the actual day of the delivery. Market price options also are noncontractual, meaning customers must call and schedule an oil refill when it’s needed instead of the deliveries happening on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. The market price option is great for those who only want to fill up when prices are at their absolute lowest.

The second pricing option is the fixed-price option. The fixed-price option consists of one rate. This rate does not go up or down throughout the year even if oil prices increase or decrease. There’s also the capped price option. With the capped price option, customers are protected from any large increases. Both the market price option and the capped price option are contract options. This means that the oil will be delivered on the same day either monthly, bi-monthly, or every three months.

Use Less Heat

Of course, one of the best ways to save money on Heating Oil in New York, is to find alternative ways to keep warm without having to use copious amounts of oil. Try dressing in layers, using a fireplace for natural heat, eating warm meals, drinking warm beverages, placing extra blankets on beds, switching to flannel sheets, using rugs on hardwood or tile floors, putting ceiling fans in reverse, and installing weather stripping in areas where there’s a draft. These helpful tips will allow you to keep the temperature down inside the house while still remaining warm and cozy.

The two tips above are two easy ways to save money on both heating oil and electric bills. For even more cost cutting ideas, contact COHLER FUEL OIL INC.