Types Of Dental Care Performed By A General Dentist

by | Dec 10, 2015 | Dentist

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People who take care of their teeth and gums are healthier because their teeth are free of decay and infection. To make sure that you and your family stay as healthy as possible, schedule regular appointments with a dentist who specializes, in general, Dental care in St. Louis. To learn about the specialties of a general dentist, read the information listed below.

Dental Hygiene

Practicing good dental hygiene can keep cavities from forming in the teeth. Regular visits to the dentist for a routine examination and cleaning also helps the teeth to stay healthy and strong. Dentists recommend that patients schedule a routine exam and cleaning at least twice a year. Patients who have various tooth issues may need to schedule an exam more frequently.

Tooth Extractions

Individuals who have loose or decayed teeth should have them extracted by a dentist as soon as possible. Bacteria and germs can get underneath the gums and cause the tooth to become infected. Patients who have experienced mouth trauma may also need to have a tooth taken out if it cannot be saved. Dentists also extract painful wisdom teeth that have erupted through the gums. If the wisdom teeth are not through the gums because they’re growing sideways, a dentist may have to surgically extract the teeth.

Scaling and Root Planing

Dentists often recommend scaling and root planing procedures for their patients who have gum disease. During the procedure, the dentist scrapes plaque and tartar off the roots of the teeth with special dental instruments. If the tartar isn’t removed from the tooth roots, gum disease can become worse and turn into periodontal disease. As this condition progresses, the teeth can become loose and eventually they may fall out. A dentist who specializes in Dental Care in St. Louis can recommend the best treatment for any type of dental issue.

The dental specialists at Forest Park Dental can provide you and your family with the best dental care available. This dental clinic provides various dental services including cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry. Contact us to find out more information about our Dental SEO Agency and to schedule a visit for any of our services.