Understanding the Components Used in Solar Installation St Louis MO

by | May 25, 2017 | Electrical

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Solar panels are the future of residential energy production. Though they are a bit costly to purchase and install, the money saved in the long run will be well worth it when energy prices increase. For homeowners who are thinking of purchasing and designing their own solar energy system, there are a couple of factors which must be considered. The different components of a solar energy system must be understood so that choosing the proper combination becomes easier. If at any time this becomes confusing, it might be best to contact Cain Electric to perform the Solar Installation St Louis MO. The following are the components needed to setup a fully functional grid-tie solar energy system.

 *     PV Array Disconnect

 *     PV Modules

 *     Grid Tie Inverter or Micro Inverters

 *     Power Meter

 *     AC Breaker Box

The electricity is generated by the solar modules (i.e. the photovoltaic solar panels). The disconnect which is a shutoff switch separates the solar panels from the system in case repairs need to be performed. The solar inverter converts the DC (direct current) generated by the panels into AC (alternating current) which can be used. Power moves from the inverter into the breaker box and from there, it is distributed to the rest of the home.

Before designing the solar energy system, the following must be taken into account

 *     The amount of energy needed to be generated

 *     The number of panels that can fit on the roof

 *     The budget for the purchase of these components.

With this information, the size array which can generate the required energy can now be planned. To calculate the amount of energy needed, check the utility bills to determine the average daily use. Most homes in the U.S. use approximately 900 kWh monthly. Also, there are two kinds of solar panels to choose from. The first is the crystalline solar module while the other is the thin-film solar panel. The crystalline module is the more popular choice and is the one that is more commonly installed. It is more effective than the thin-film, though it is also more expensive.

Browse website to obtain more information on Solar Installation St Louis MO. Care must be taken when choosing the components to design and install a solar energy system. Choosing the wrong components might result in an inefficient system which generates less than the required amount of electricity.