Stem cells have been a hot topic in past years due to heated discussions regarding the ethical connotations of stem cell-related research. However, this fear of scientific discovery is mostly due to a common misunderstanding of different stem cell types. Not all stem cells are harvested from embryos, a large part of the controversy that has made its way to numerous media outlets.
Not All Stem Cells Are The Same
Most simply, stem cells exist in two types—adult stem cells and stem cells derived from embryos. Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning that they can transform into any cell type found in the developed human body. While adult stem cells are more limited in the types of cells that they can become, they are still immensely useful in a variety of medical treatments.
How Stem Cell Treatment Can Help
A number of types of stem cell treatment exist, and the practical application of stem cells continues to grow as research continues. Facilities in Las Vegas, NV which specialize in stem cell treatment can help individuals to find relief from conditions including:
Alzheimer’s Disease
Cardiac damage induced by a heart attack
Tennis elbow
Cancer and other conditions requiring stem cell transplants
And many more, which are currently being studied
Research is ongoing. One of the most exciting things about stem cells is that they can be used to repair virtually any tissue or organ that is diseased or injured. In other words, there are very few limits to the things that stem cells can accomplish!
If you are curious about how stem cell treatment available in Las Vegas, NV might be useful in your own life, ask your doctor about the possibility of using stem cell therapies as a strategy to better your health.