Understanding the Process Used to Calculate Child Support in Huntsville AL

by | Jan 27, 2015 | Law Services

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When couples divorce, there is the matter of determining who will serve as the custodial parent of the children. That parent will provide the permanent home for the kids and see to their day to day care. The non-custodial parent is usually granted visitation rights and provides financial support in the form of Child Support in Huntsville AL. Here are some of the factors used to determine how much support is assessed.

The Income of the Parents – Part of the process of calculating Child Support in Huntsville AL involves verifying the income of both parents. This helps to set a reasonable level for the support that will still allow both parents to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Expenses Related to the Children – The court will also look at factors such as the number of children involved and if any of those children require daycare or attend private schools. In some cases, the non-custodial parent will tender a certain amount of support directly to the custodial parent, and also be obligated to remit payments directly to those schools.

Health Insurance and Other Expenses – As part of the custody settlement, the non-custodial parent may be required to maintain health insurance on each of the children until they reach the age of majority. The insurance in question is typically in the form of family group coverage if the kids remain in the state, but can also take the form of an individual policy of the custodial parent chooses to move to another state. Depending on the terms of the arrangement, the custodial parent may agree to pay any deductibles or other expenses that the health insurance does not cover, or the non-custodial parent may be responsible for those costs as well.

There are other factors that come under scrutiny, all of them with an eye toward making sure that the children are provided with what they need in until they become adults. The team at Long Flanagan and McDonald LLC can help ensure that the terms of the custody settlement and child support are in line with current state regulations, and that they are within the ability of the client to provide.