Use a Professional Madison Pump Service Company To Test A Well Before You Buy

by | May 11, 2013 | Business

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For most home buyers, the type of water service that they are familiar with is from a municipal service. Another type of water service for a property however, is from a water well on the property itself. If you are considering a home with a well, check with a Madison Pump Service company for an inspection of the well to determine if it is fit to drink and use for other domestic purposes.

Start by familiarizing yourself with the terminology and components of a well system. Know the different types of wells, pumps, test the water and know what to do to maintain the system before you buy. Wells themselves are either driven, dug or drilled and this all depends on the ground material that it will be placed in. Regardless of the type of well, they all depend on a pump to bring the water up from the ground.

Pumps are the mechanism that will require maintenance with your well system. With routine maintenance with a Madison Pump Service you can check seals, connections, cleanliness and the filtration system. The difference between a pump and most systems that require water is that the pump runs on electricity.

Before you buy it is imperative that you test the water with a variety of tests. Some generic over the counter tests will not be able to provide the exact percentage points that a chemical may be off, or may be included in your water. When it comes to your drinking water you want the most specific reading test you can find.

If you are having the water pumped to get tested, how the water is pumped may change the reading in your water. Some tests require a test at night for a specific reading. Some tests require the power to be on and some need the power to be off. Specifics to these tests must be adhered to directly and that is why a professional to test the system is the best bet, especially in first time well owners.

After you have purchased the well, then you can complete routine maintenance and tests on the system. The time to find problems are before you buy. Paying more for an experienced tester is worth it if the results show chemicals that a normal test will not determine.