Waste Management in Aurora is a Model for Waste Recycling

by | May 6, 2014 | Recycling Center

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Commercial Waste Management in Aurora is handled by the Denver waste management division with several exceptions. First, there is no residential pickup of any waste material. All garbage services are for commercial establishments only. The garbage collections are taken to the same composting spots that garbage from Denver is taken to. The composted material is used by the agricultural industry to modify soil and create better planting conditions.

Waste in the form of recyclables are dropped off at various locations and then collected according to a schedule. The recyclables are taken to the same spot and treated the same way as waste from Denver would be. The same rules about acceptable waste apply, and waste is not picked up at homes.

Aurora is dedicated to waste management. The town provides convenient drop-off locations for recyclables. The town facilitates the collection of garbage from food facilities by ensuring that there is no blockage. There is a variety of drop-off containers provided for the collection of garbage. Roll-off containers are also provided for groups of food establishments and large markets.

The waste recycling process utilizes the most advanced recycling processing techniques in the waste management industry, and the most comprehensive recycling collection programs available in the marketplace are offered. The same rules regarding electronics apply.

Waste Management in Aurora is a serious business because this community wants to be known as the best environmentally conscious community. They have a complete support system in place to encourage residents and businesses to handle waste material and garbage responsibly. Aurora shares one of the leading waste management programs in the nation.

Aurora does not recycle electronic products and this include just about anything which has or had an electronic use such as a TV set, CPUs, DVRs, printers, fax machines, computer monitors and laptops. According to the Institute for Self-Reliance, electronics disposal management sustains 10 jobs for every job at a landfill.

The supportive community leadership also helps make the waste recycling program a leader in the nation.