Wedding Photography in US: Preparation Tips for Your First Blissful Gig

by | Aug 7, 2020 | Wedding Accessory

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You know you want photography to be your career and are taking steps to make sure this happens. You’ve created a page, portfolio, and you finally got a couple to hire you, but this is still your first time. The following are a few tips to help you get through this successfully.

Visit the Venue

One thing you want to do is visit the venue. Scope out the entire location to find some places that photograph well. You want to pay attention to background and lighting conditions at the time the reception and wedding will take place. This will save you time when the time comes, and you will feel a little more prepared.

Getting the Equipment

The next thing you want to do is make sure you consider photography gear rental. Of course, you could purchase the equipment, but that requires a lot of capital. You can choose photography gear rental and be able to rent good equipment that you can count on. Now, make sure you play around with the camera for a while to make sure you are comfortable with it. Be sure to bring backups of everything you need just in case.

Make Sure You Talk

It is important that you meet with the couple at least a few times. What you want to do is build a relationship because a good relationship means the couple is going to have an easier time taking pictures. Sometimes, couples have a hard time posing and taking a good picture because the photographer makes them nervous, but this is only a problem when you are a stranger. Make them feel comfortable to get better pictures.

The Mitchell Bahr has all the wedding Photography in Austin, gear you might need. Go ahead and visit website to find out more information.

For more information visit us at Mitchell Bahr Photography.