What Are the Benefits of Using CNC Machining in Orange County, CA

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Industrial Equipment

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CNC Machining in Orange County, CA

Does your business need help with CNC machining in Orange County, CA? This type of work involves custom design creation, including engravings and routing. Using a computerized panel saw and CNC routers lowers custom fabrication costs. Typically, companies can expect this process to deliver reliable results without overspending. If budgetary constraints have been bothering your business, then custom machining may help.

Precision Cutting

Precision cuts of plexiglass, acrylic, Lexan, or polycarbonate do not take long. In addition, they made be cut within tight tolerances, up to +/-0.005″.

Fabricating a similar device with expanded PVC or plastic would not cost extra.


Routing can be used to design etchings on a product’s surface, and it is relatively fast. In many cases, it can be effective when working on wooden parts. Using a routing machine can be beneficial when working on PVC and other plastics.

Laser Cutting

State-of-the-art laser cutters can machine custom cuts on metallic and plastic compounds. Likewise, these can be useful when reigning in an overextended budget. Since they can cut through most material, your options are nearly endless.

Laser Engraving

Engraving an emblem used to be a costly endeavor, but it is not that way anymore. Custom engravings can be etched using a high-power laser, cutting overall costs. Moreover, these machines can engrave custom designs within a few minutes. Delivering rapid results can lower costs further, ensuring your company stays under budget.

Contact Orange County Industrial Plastics at Web to learn more about their machining services.