What Happens When There is No Life Insurance in Austin, TX?

by | Jan 6, 2016 | Insurance Service

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While most people agree that Life Insurance in Austin TX, is a good idea, it is easy to consider purchasing the coverage something to do another day. The fact is that no one knows whether they will pass away tomorrow or five decades from now. What is a surety is that the consequences of passing away without coverage are serious. Here is how things will go for those who are left behind.

Covering Funeral and Burial Expenses

One of the reasons for securing some type of Life Insurance in Austin TX, is to cover the costs of a funeral and burial. As with other types of services, the rates charged by funeral homes and others associated with the industry do increase from one year to the next. Think of what a grieving spouse goes through when there is no money to cover the costs of a funeral. Since the individual is already grieving the loss of someone special, why add the burden of financial worries to the list?

Dealing With Other End of Life Expenses

Covering the cost of a funeral may be the least of the worries. What about the remainder of the medical bills not covered by health insurance? How will the survivors manage to pay off those expenses? In many instances, even a term life policy will provide sufficient funds to settle the debts and prevent many sleepless nights for the surviving spouse and children.

Money for the Transition

When the party who passes away was the main provider for the household, the sudden loss of income can be devastating. What will happen in terms of paying the mortgage, keeping the utilities on, and putting food on the table? The proceeds from a life insurance policy will provide some amount of financial security as those remaining adjust to the loss and begin to generate income to keep the household going.

For anyone who has put off discussing life coverage for too long, today is the day to contact Patrick Court. Even if there is not a lot of money to devote to a premium right now, there is a plan out there that is affordable and offers a reasonable amount of benefits.