When a septic tank is serviced properly, it can last for up to forty years, providing homeowners with a safe way to treat their wastewater. Unfortunately, some homeowners do not know the importance of keeping their tank pumped or seeking the professionals for Septic Tank Cleaning in Pouslbo Wa.
Signs a Septic Tank Needs Cleaning
Before delving into what homeowners can expect from Septic Tank Cleaning in Pouslbo Wa, it is important for them to understand the warning signs they need these services. The following are some signs that should alert a homeowner there are problems with their septic tank.
• If there are foul smells coming from the drains or the backyard, these could be stemming from a septic tank that needs to be cleaned out. These smells will worsen the more it fills.
• The drains and toilets of a home may become frequently clogged when there is a problem with the septic tank system. This is because the system can become so full it will no longer accept sewage.
• Another sign of problems with the septic tank is backflow. When a septic tank becomes damaged or is overly full, sewage will begin to backflow into the water supply and come up through the drains.
What to Expect From the Professionals
Cleaning a septic tank requires the right skills and equipment. The entire tank must be pumped clean and then the walls and flooring must be scrubbed and flushed. The frequency of these cleanings will depend on how many people live in the home, the size of the tank, and the amount of wastewater that is generated on a daily basis. Most average homes will need to have their tank pumped and cleaned every two to three years.
To extend the time between cleanings, homeowners need to avoid flushing or draining items that do not belong in a septic tank. Homeowners should also consider installing low-flow faucets and practicing water conservation as much a possible.
If you are in need of these services, it is imperative you rely on the professionals to meet your cleaning needs. Allow them to come out and inspect your system to see if cleaning needs to be carried out.