What To Consider When Searching for Student Living Apartments in Denton

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Student Housing Center

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Whether living on campus isn’t as fun as used to be or you feel ready to stretch your wings, student living apartments in Denton could be the perfect option for you. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when looking for off-campus housing.

Campus Proximity

The first thing you want to look for in an off-campus apartment is its proximity to campus. This is especially important if you don’t have a car, as that means you will either need to walk or bike to campus or take public transport. You will want to test out how long it takes to get to campus so that you know whether you can make it to class on time.

Roommates or Not

Another consideration to make is if you want to live with roommates. Often, having a roommate or two is a good way to stay connected to campus life and college life in general. However, roommates sometimes come with drama, so make sure you are comfortable with who you are going to live with and that you setup clear rules for co-living right from the get-go.


Living on campus usually means that a lot of things are paid for with your tuition. Living in an off-campus apartment comes with utility, Internet, water, and cable bills. There might also be extra fees for parking or amenities. You want to make sure that you choose a place that you can easily afford, so have a strict budget in mind when looking for apartments.

To learn more about how you can find the perfect student living apartments in Denton, visit Redpoint Denton.