There are several types of furnaces in the current market, and if you are not well informed, you might end up spending a lot on one that you might later come to regret. Here are some facts you have to consider when shopping for a new furnace.
Good variable speed
Your energy bills will be much lower when you use a furnace with variable speed compared to the typical ones. This is because the motors in place use less energy to run. These kinds of furnaces only use 60-80 watts of energy while others like those with continuous fans use 400 watts. What a difference!
Better with two-stage heating
Two stage heating furnace don’t operate on their full capacity when switched on like a traditional furnace. One would think that there are two different furnaces operating on different temperature, but that’s not the case. When switched on, they first operate using around 67% of their heating when it’s not very cold but if the temperatures go lower, it automatically switches to its full capacity.
AFUE refers to the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. A good furnace is that which has high AFUE. This is because, it uses less energy thus saving you more on utility bill. It shows how well the furnace can convert fuel into energy. The best appliance would be that with high AFUE.
Runs quietly
Nobody wants a furnace that will run with too much noise such that you will have to talk very loudly with your family members to converse. Most quiet furnaces are those with speed that vary or the ones that have double staged features.
Good quality and warranted
Don’t go for the cheap low standard furnaces because most of them don’t have a warranty and in case they get faulty soon after purchase; you will have to spend more on a new one or repairs. Though more expensive, good quality furnaces will end up serving you longer, and in case they become faulty before their guaranteed time is over, you will be sure to get a replacement.
For a better and New Furnace, contact East River Energy or by visiting us. They offer the best installation, maintenance and repair services.