What USPS Address Verification Software Is And Its Uses

by | Dec 21, 2016 | Computer & Internet

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USPS address verification software can also be referred to as validation, standardization, and CASS certification. Whatever term you choose, it is a product that can help you check the deliverability and validity of a physical location. Addresses can only be valid if they are CASS-certified, meaning that it exists within a large list of addresses in their database. It isn’t the same as a credit card verification system but instead, focuses on traditional mailing addresses to homes and businesses.

The Steps

Primarily, USPS address verification software will help you standardize the information. For example, it can help you with ZIP codes, add other missing information, abbreviate appropriately, and more. For example, if you type in Avenue, but the United States Postal Service uses AVE or AVE., then your version is considered incorrect.

Likewise, it can check to ensure that the location is CASS-certified. Once everything is correct and it is validated, you can send mail to that place knowing that it will reach its recipient. Some products will also determine if it is deliverable. For example, the information may be valid, but may be in a remote location and only serviced by FedEx or UPS.

Benefits Of Such Products

The main advantage to you as a company owner is that you will be able to ensure that the information is correct and the recipient will get the information. Whether you’re sending bulk mailings or invoices, you want your customer or prospect to get the information you are sending.

Likewise, USPS address verification software can help you save money, as you won’t be paying for postage for undeliverable addresses. You’ll also minimize delivery times because everything is correct and mail carriers/postal employees won’t have to figure out the right place to take the letter.