Most legal proceedings start out in a simple way but become more complex as they proceed. However, some can be difficult from the start. It is usually the work of a law firm or company’s legal department to look for the assistance of a court reporting agency that provides third party Litigation Support, depending on the level of difficulty of the case. The following are aspects of litigation that indicates that litigation services should be retained:
Presence of too many documents
As document review is a key part of the discovery process, additional attorneys are necessary if the documents to be reviewed are too many. This helps to lighten the burden in document electronic storage, retrieval and review. When the discovery process is over, the attorneys can review them in electronic form.
Information that is complex
In case an attorney gets hold of evidence that is not easy to interpret, he can get assistance from a subject expert through the court reporting agencies that provides litigation support. For example, attorneys can get assistance from science experts to interpret scientific evidence if they have a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company.
Short timeliness
If the time allowed to interpret the evidence is short, it makes it difficult for the attorneys to examine every piece of evidence and to depose each witness before the court proceedings begin. In such a case, a legal support provider can assist lawyers by providing paralegals, attorneys and administrative staff who will help in interpreting and organizing evidence, deposition and retrieval of documents.
Too many deponents
The presence of numerous deponents always makes it difficult for a group of attorneys to depose before the court proceedings begin even if they are provided with the normal time. Therefore additional attorneys will assist with a laborious deposition process of witnesses that would otherwise be interviewed.
If you are an attorney and you are looking for Litigation Support that will add tactical strength to your team, Business Name is a suitable choice for you. They provide friendly and professional service, computer assisted court reporters, real time reporting, video conferencing, conference rooms and interpreting translation services just to make sure it works out for you.