When Might You Need The Services Of A Boise Family Attorney?

by | Jun 6, 2014 | Law, Law Services

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Most of the time, it is everyone’s hope that their lives are so happy and free from complications that they will never need to go anywhere near a Boise Family Attorney in Idaho or anywhere else. Unfortunately and for a number of reasons that we will not dwell on overmuch, our society has reached a level where consulting a Boise Family Attorney has become somewhat common place.

Family Law

This is the name given to that branch of the law that concerns itself with “family matters”. Originally, this would have been further defined as relating to people connected together through blood or marriage. However, in this day and age, persons without such direct relationship can come under the jurisdiction of family law in certain circumstances.

Family Court

Family courts in the USA are in the category of Trial Courts of Limited Jurisdiction – in this case, matters concerning family law. The first family courts were established in 1910.

Arrangements can and do vary in different States but, generally, family courts do not have juries and cases are decided by the presiding judge alone. If either party wishes to have legal representation, the usual requirement is that their lawyer must be suitably accredited to plead cases on a client’s behalf before a judge. Such a lawyer is known as a family law attorney.


One of the main functions of family courts is to resolve disputes that affect children in such a way as to give paramount concern to the welfare of the children. To further enhance this concept, Missouri first introduced a system known as Mediation Achieving Results for Children in 1997. Known by the acronym MARCH, this system has been proven not only to be less financially expensive but also less costly on the emotions of all concerned.

Disputes And Settlements

While family law can impinge on the way in which people set up their family arrangements (pre-nuptial agreements for example) it is not until these arrangements start to break down that the services of a Boise Family Attorney are likely to be required.

Since an attorney is only essential when a dispute has to go before a judge (in family or other type of court), most disintegrating family units should first discuss their side of the dispute with a separate family lawyer of their choosing. In many cases, the respective lawyers can work out a settlement acceptable to all parties without resorting to the law courts and the use of a Boise Family Attorney.

When looking for a Boise family attorney, you should contact the people at Finch ~ O’neil Law Office, P.A. For initial telephone and in office consultations, call them on 208.385.0800.