When Should People Consider Wisdom Teeth Extraction in Bridgeport CT?

by | May 22, 2018 | Dentistry

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Often, there is not enough space in the upper and lower jaws to accommodate wisdom teeth. In this case, tooth displacement may occur. It is not uncommon for one or more outgrowing wisdom teeth to remain partially covered by gums. This creates a position where thorough oral hygiene is difficult or even impossible. If you are having problems with your wisdom teeth, schedule an appointment for Teeth Extraction in Bridgeport CT soon.

Consequences of wisdom teeth eruption

The consequences of an erupting wisdom tooth can be inflammation or tooth decay. The wisdom tooth breaks through the gum incompletely, experts speak of “retention.” If the wisdom tooth remains completely in the bone and does not break through at all, this is called an “impaction.” However, if the wisdom tooth is in a horizontal position, it is “displaced.”

There is a risk that your wisdom teeth will damage the root of the molars adjacent to it. In some cases, wisdom teeth that have not yet pushed through the gum can remain in the jaw. However, if the tooth is causing one of the symptoms above, Teeth Extraction in Bridgeport CT is a must.

Which dentists perform extractions?

For the most gentle and painless removal of wisdom teeth, it is particularly important to have the operation performed by an oral surgeon or dentist with experience in removing wisdom teeth. Because the procedure is a generally uncomplicated one, oral and maxillofacial surgeons and dentists, who also perform more extensive surgeries, are the most appropriate physicians for this operation. They can respond quickly and adequately when the procedure takes an unforeseen course.

Their anatomical knowledge is helpful in preventing damage to critical anatomical structures such as the lower jaw, adjacent teeth, the antrum, and so on.


During routine preventive examinations as a teenager, the dentist should take a look at the area surrounding the patient’s wisdom teeth to see if they are protruding from the gum. An x-ray gives an accurate picture of how the wisdom teeth are positioned in the jaw and if removal is necessary. Also, they will check whether adjacent teeth have already been damaged. Contact Us or visit a specialist for more details.