When You Want the Stone or Brick Look Without the Stone or Brick Price

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Business

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There is something to be said for the look that brick or stone gives your home and your landscape. When you want that look, but you are not comfortable to with the full price of actual brick or stone, you do have another option. There are different types of stone veneer that you can choose from. Here is more info on stone veneer so that you can understand what it is, and what it can do for your home and landscape.

What a Stone Veneer Is

A veneer is a faux façade utilizing an actual piece of the real material. For example, a wood veneer is actually wood, but it is comprised of thin slices and manufactured bits of wood to create a specific looking piece of slat or plank wood. Likewise, stone veneer is a thin slice of stone or brick. Special concrete and brick saws are used to slice through natural stone and man-made brick to make these brick and stone veneers.

How Stone Veneers Are Used

The stone/brick veneers are used to create faux facades of stone and brick on the sides of buildings or to create faux brick/stone walls. You could literally turn your home into a “brick” house using brick veneer if you wanted to. All it takes is some mortar and your selection from different types of stone veneer to do it.

Ready to Start Your Own Stone Veneer Project?

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