Some divorces can proceed smoothly. The couple can agree on the property division, child support, and custody of the children. Even in these types of cases, they would need a Family Law Attorney to file for the divorce and complete the appropriate paperwork for a divorce decree. Other couples are not so fortunate. They will not be able to agree on anything throughout the divorce process and continually have to attend court hearings to settle their disputes. They should never represent themselves in court because they have to follow the same legal rules that an attorney does. Many individuals do not have the experience they need to maneuver through the family court system.
If someone is considering a marriage proposal and has significant assets, it’s a smart idea to have a prenuptial agreement prepared. This doesn’t mean they’re already considering a divorce in the future, but they should protect the assets they currently have in the event the marriage would fail. A Family Law Attorney can prepare this type of agreement, so it’s legally binding. It can outline all of the assets, and the fate of them should there be a divorce or death of the partners during the marriage. Do you need to gain guardianship of a child or interested in adopting one? These types of cases will also need the assistance of an attorney that’s experienced with family law.
Child support, alimony, and custody or visitation with a child are usually highly disputed areas by the parties involved. There are guidelines that must be followed, and a parent cannot waive the receipt of child support in order to have a better outcome in another area of the proceeding. Both parents are responsible for financially supporting their children to the best of their ability until they become an adult. This money is to be used for the basic necessities. Extracurricular activities or additional items a child may need or want can be negotiated during the child support hearing or between the parents.
There are many reasons someone will need the help of an attorney that’s experienced in family law. For more information, please visit and find out more.