Why Cosmetic Dentistry in New Haven, CT Is Good for Your Mental Health

by | May 23, 2018 | Dentistry

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Everyone likes to smile, but what a lot of people don’t realize is that smiling is actually good for your mental health. Unfortunately, those that don’t have the greatest teeth tend to be ashamed to show off their smile. They’re embarrassed about having a missing tooth or slightly yellow teeth, so they keep their mouth closed as much as they can when they’re around other people. Having nice teeth isn’t only good for your physical health, it’s good for your mental health as well.

Smiling Reduces Stress

Smiling causes your brain to release a chemical called endorphins. This chemical actually eliminates the stress hormone in your brain called cortisol. If you don’t feel confident in your smile, maybe you should look into cosmetic dentistry. Fight the everyday stress you experience and release more of those endorphins with a great smile.

Smiling Puts You in a Better Mood

Endorphins kick the stress right out of your body and they also help elevate your mood. It’s hard to feel good when your teeth make you feel bad about yourself. Cosmetic dentistry can help you feel better about yourself, which is more important than anything.

Smiling Can Lower Your Heart Rate

Smiling slows down your heart rate and allows your body to relax. Experts believe that smiling and laughing help decrease your chances of contracting heart disease. It’s hard to relax when you’re constantly having to worry about how your teeth look, so look into getting cosmetic dentistry in New Haven, CT.

As soon as you find the perfect place to have your cosmetic surgery performed, you should schedule an appointment. Not only will you be happy with the results, but you’ll find out how much better you’ll feel about yourself just by being able to let your guard down and smile at people with confidence.