Why Do You Need to See the Dentist in Laurel, MS on a Regular Basis?

by | Jan 6, 2014 | Dentistry

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Most everyone realizes the value of seeing the dentist on a regular basis. For those who may be inclined to stall in getting their dental care, it is important to understand how essential having routine care can be. Through dental exams, problems with your teeth can be found early enough so they can be treated without your teeth and gums experiencing damage. Seeing your dentist in Laurel MS at least twice a year can help to keep your smile healthy.

One of the biggest aspects of seeing the dentist is preventative care. Most people know they should see their dentist, but people often get busy with family, work and their social life and end up neglecting this important aspect of their health. With routine dental care, the dentist can find cavities while they are in their initial stages and still very treatable. When cavities are found at this stage, they have normally only invaded the outer layers of the tooth. A filling can easily take care of the damage and prevent further decay.

Seeing the dentist can also keep your teeth clean and free of hardened plaque. Even though you brush and floss each day, you can still experience plaque issues. In the areas that are hard for your brush to reach, plaque can often harden and begin to cause problems with your teeth. Using special tools, the dentist can remove this hardened plaque, protecting your teeth and improving their appearance.

Most dental experts agree patients should see their dentist in Laurel, MS at least twice a year. Recent studies now suggest twice the amount of dental appointments may benefit many. This is especially true if you are prone to tooth decay or oral health concerns. You should check with your dentist to find out how often you should be seen each year.

If you have not been seeing the dentist as often as you should, now is the time to start. Contact the dental office of Dr. Paul Felder and allow him to take care of your teeth and gums. Through routine dental care, your smile can avoid many of the oral health concerns.