by | Jan 31, 2022 | Education

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Although home care is important, maintaining good oral hygiene is more than a simple matter of brushing and flossing regularly. Dentists across the board recommend that patients see their dentists for a professional teeth cleaning in Cambridge, MA at least twice a year. Most insurance companies cover twice annual cleanings, yet many patients hesitate to schedule these very necessary appointments. Below is a short list of compelling reasons not to put them off.

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease, most commonly in the form of gingivitis, can cause some serious trouble if left unchecked, leading to bone loss and even missing teeth. Attending regular visits to the dentist for cleaning helps to prevent the buildup of plaque that contributes to developing gum disease.

Early Detection

Oral cancer is a serious disease that claims many American lives. Early diagnosis can significantly improve a patient’s prognosis, but the symptoms are not necessarily easy to self-diagnose. While cleaning the teeth, professionals typically also screen for oral cancer, ensuring that the progress of this common and often deadly disease can be checked before it is too late.

Dentists typically check a patient’s teeth and gums for signs of other problems as well, many of which can be easily treated if they are caught early, but may require expensive and time-consuming care if left unchecked.

Maintaining Good Oral and Overall Health

When a patient goes in for a cleaning, the dentist typically checks the condition of his or her mouth against previous dental records. This allows patients to easily track their dental health and hold themselves accountable should their at-home care fall below acceptable standards. Oral health is more than a matter of keeping a beautiful smile. Poor oral hygiene has been proven to contribute to increased chances of having a stroke, developing diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and suffering other health problems.

Should the dental care professional performing the cleaning notice anything abnormal, early detection will allow a dentist and his or her patient to discuss options, come up with a treatment plan, and address these issues quickly before they get out of control. Browse Cambridge Dental Group for more information about teeth cleaning in Cambridge, MA and other valuable dental services.