Why Work with a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Burlington WA?

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Law

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Once you’ve been arrested, you may be able to be released on bail. If so, the first thing you should do after being released is hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Burlington WA to help you with your case. While you may think this is expensive and not worth the money, this is simply not true. There is a variety of ways a lawyer can help you receive a better outcome for your case. For this reason, you’ll want to consider hiring a lawyer instead of a public defender or representing yourself.

If you simply work with a public defender or opt to represent yourself, you’re likely not going to get the outcome you want. A public defender will have many other cases to work on, so they can’t give your case the attention it needs. Many times, they’ll have you plead guilty to get the case completed as quickly as possible. When representing yourself, you may find that you are not as knowledgeable about the law as you thought and you may miss things that could have helped you with your case.

When you hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Burlington WA to work on your case, you’re hiring someone to thoroughly review the entire case, starting with when you were stopped by the police. They’ll ensure all procedures were followed for the stop, arrest, collection of evidence, and more. If there is any evidence that the police did not follow the appropriate procedure, your defense lawyer can then try to have your charges dropped or evidence suppressed. Even if the charges are not dropped, this will likely give you a much better outcome.

If you’ve been arrested, start looking for a lawyer as soon as possible. One law firm you may be interested in is the Howson Law Office. Your lawyer will be able to review everything in the case to ensure your rights are upheld and you are treated fairly throughout the entire legal process. They will also help ensure you will have a better outcome than you would have had if you worked with a public defender or represented yourself.