Why You May Need an Online Geometry Tutor

by | Jul 1, 2015 | Education

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Geometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with the rigorous treatment of concepts such as shapes, angles, and dimensions. This subject is taught in many high schools, usually earlier than calculus or trigonometry, both of which build on geometry. However, many people still have problems in this area. Even the most experienced mathematicians need assistance every now and then. An online geometry tutor can help you master basic and advanced problems in this subject.

Get to Know the Formulas

While geometry has strong spatial and visual elements, there is nonetheless a requirement to learn certain formulas, such as “pi times the radius squared”—which gives the area of a circle. Though some rote learning may be required, when students begin to really master geometry, they will begin to see the underlying logic of many of geometry’s rules, formulas, and theorems.

Learn Drawing

You are encouraged to draw the figures as you work out problems. A visual image helps you understand the underlying geometric concepts. You may solve the problem faster with a picture.

Practice Daily

Geometry is one of many disciplines that requires day-in, day-out attention and effort. It is extremely difficult to master geometry if you take extended breaks from its study. Daily study and problem-solving will improve your understanding of the underlying concepts of geometry; it is unlikely that the geometry problems you will encounter on exams will be exactly the same ones you see in the classroom and in homework. Rather, they will reflect other instances of the general geometric principles you are learning, and re-enforcing with daily study and exercises.

You can find a wide range of geometry practice worksheets online, as well as many math sites that are categorized by grade, subject, and degree of difficulty. There are plenty of written and video tutorials that go into great detail with pictures and examples.

Do Your Own Homework

You cannot have someone else finish all of your homework assignments, just as you cannot copy the answers off others’ test papers. Doing all of the problems on your own is the best way to understand all the geometric concepts involved. The work is strenuous, but it is important if you want to succeed on exams.

Geometry is taught in most high schools and may be introduced as early as middle school. Many students like geometry because they get to work with shapes and make drawings. The concepts of geometry are applied in various fields, such as fashion design, engineering, and medicine. An online geometry tutor understands how important it is to pass this class in school, and is available to help you every step of the way.

An online geometry tutor understands how important it is to pass this class in school, and is available to help you every step of the way. To learn more about online geometry tutor, Visit Growing Stars.