Why You Need DUI Lawyers in Mt. Vernon WA for Your Case

by | May 5, 2014 | Law

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If you have been charged with DUI, you should obtain legal representation. Some people think that they do not need the services of DUI lawyers in Mt. Vernon WA if they have plans to plead guilty. Securing legal representation could result in reduced charges. Defense lawyers can review cases and evidence and possibly create reasonable doubt. They are also able to negotiate plea deals for their clients if prosecutors are willing. You may have already received a plea deal from the state for your case. It is important to discuss potential plea deals with defense lawyers. You might be surprised to find that you were offered a plea deal because the state’s case against you is weak. A defense lawyer is adept enough to know whether going to trial is risky or not. If the state does not have sufficient evidence, they may opt to drop charges.

Much of what happens during a traffic stop determines the outcome of DUI cases. Some of the evidence collected is unreliable. The machines used to check alcohol on the breath must be serviced and calibrated. If they are not, false readings can occur. Defense lawyers in Mt. Vernon WA can challenge the accuracy of breath tests. Some people opt to refuse breath tests. This usually results in their licenses getting suspended, but there is still a possibility that their DUI charges might get dismissed.

Field sobriety tests are often given after a DUI traffic stop too. These tests can produce erroneous results too. Some law enforcement officials may administer these tests incorrectly. There is also a chance that the accused person has a physical ailment that affects the accuracy of their test. For example, reciting the alphabet backwards could be difficult for someone with a speech impediment, and walking a straight line could be difficult for a person who has or has had a leg or knee injury.

Bratlien Law Firm has helped many people defend themselves against DUI related charges. They understand Washington State driving laws, and they can review the evidence against you. Based upon the evidence, lawyers can create a defense strategy for you. DUI convictions can negatively impact your future which is one of the main reasons a good defense is important.