Why You Should See a Cosmetic Dentist in Birmingham

by | Mar 15, 2014 | Dentist

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Stand before a mirror and smile widely. Do you like your smile? Are you satisfied with the color, shape and position of the teeth? If yes, then great! If not, do not worry. All your problems can be solved thanks to modern dental materials and the latest technology associated with cosmetic dentistry. If you want to enhance your smile, speak with your local Cosmetic Dentist in Birmingham today.


Cosmetic dentistry is the use of technology surrounding almost all dental disciplines. It solves problems such as:

*          Correction of malpositioning of teeth;

*         Correction of malocclusion;

*         Masking the gap between the teeth, which often increases with age (diastema);

*         Removing spaces between the teeth;

*         Teeth whitening; and

*         Helping to improve their color and shape.

The main concern of aesthetic dentistry is to make teeth beautiful. What makes a beautiful smile? First of all, the shape of individual teeth and the proportionality of the dentition, including its overall symmetry will help. The position of the dental arch in an individual tooth or groups of teeth is included, as well. Naturally, the attractiveness of your smile is associated with the color of your teeth, and their surface texture.

Twenty years ago, the location of individual teeth anomalies were corrected mainly by an orthodontist using plates that often damaged enamel. There is now a great opportunity to deal with small malocclusion using polymerization materials. Now diastema can be removed using modern materials. This is because modern materials are now extremely durable. Their adhesion force are about 20 megapascals (in older material, this figure did not exceed six MPa. To give you some reference, the Earth’s crust is several hundred megapascals. This makes it possible, for example, to reconstruct a broken-off piece of tooth, without fear that the patient will lose it again.

A separate section of cosmetic and therapeutic dentistry is dedicated to the art of matching colored seals. If the Cosmetic Dentist in Birmingham uses one color of material, which matches the color of your natural teeth, it does not mean that the tooth will look perfect after the restoration. Experts consider such characteristics as opacity (degree of turbidity or transparency) when choosing a cosmetic dentistry procedure. There are plenty of devices that help the doctor to deal with this problem, but if you want to learn more about a certain procedure, you should Meet Dr. Anglin & Dr. Nelson today.


