Why You Shouldn’t Fear A General Dentist in Fairfield CT

by | Apr 26, 2022 | Dental Services

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Millions of people have the same misconception about dentists. These people think dentists are mean doctors that use scary tools to drill and pull teeth. However, many people can agree that these ideas about dentists couldn’t be farther from the truth. General dentist are some of the nicest and most caring doctors you’ll ever meet. The following are some of the reasons you might want to change your tune about the way you think about dentists.

First of all, dentists are only here to make sure you take good care of your teeth. All dentists recommend that you visit them at least twice a year. This means that you only have to schedule a checkup once every six months! A checkup consists of the dentists taking a look inside of your mouth to see if there are any signs of a cavity or gum disease. If there’s nothing there, you’re free to go home. However, if the dentist finds a cavity, he or she may recommend that you have it removed.

If you fail to make your two yearly checkups, it could lead to unnecessary complications. When you avoid a checkup, you’re skipping out on the chance to see what’s going on with your teeth. For all you know you could have a tooth that’s starting to decay. You also might have some signs of gum disease. These are the things you don’t normally pay attention to. However, your dentist would be able to pick up on these problems in a matter of minutes. Don’t let dental complications creep up on you.

Dentists also want to teach you how to protect and maintain your teeth. Far too many people aren’t taking care of their teeth like they should. Dental experts agree that you should brush and floss 2-3 times every single day. However, many people only brush once a day. Not brushing enough could cause bacteria to form in and around your teeth and gums. This is what causes tooth decay and bleeding gums. As long as you’re brushing and flossing on a regular basis, you shouldn’t have too much to worry about. Make sure you follow your dentist’s orders. They’ll help keep your teeth looking amazing. This is what a General dentist in Fairfield CT can offer you.