Why Your Home Needs a Portable Fire Escape Ladder

by | May 2, 2018 | Security System

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Every home, even ranch designs, should have a portable fire escape ladder. While they are available in various styles, a portable ladder is lightweight but sturdy enough to support an adult human. It may be made of aluminium or similar materials. Its portable design means it can be folded or easily stored to keep it out of the way until needed. Here are three reasons to stock portable fire escape ladders in your bedrooms and possibly other areas of your home, as well.

Multi-level Dwellings

Homes or apartments with more than one level should have fire escape ladders on each level, including all bedrooms. Many fires break out at night undetected. Having a ladder nearby or at hand can contribute toward a speedy, possibly life-saving escape. In homes with bedrooms at higher floor levels, the portable ladder might not reach the ground, but it will help users to reach another level away from the fire, possibly part of the roof or a lower floor. From there, firefighters can rescue family members.

Children’s Bedrooms

Kids often get confused or scared, especially if a fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night. When they are old enough, they should be taught how to escape their bedroom by using a portable fire escape ladder. Parents should show kids how to use one and practice with them to ensure safety in the event of an actual fire emergency.

Travel Fire Ladder Support

Take a portable ladder when staying in a motel or other overnight accommodation. Familiarity with how to use the ladder will be helpful in case of a fire at the public lodging.

First Alert escape ladders are tremendously useful in the event of a fire. Keep several in your home, so you will be ready in case of fire or other emergencies.