If you are having a hard time keeping up with your bills, you may feel like giving up. After all, nobody likes to receive harassing phone calls from bill collectors. If we avoid these phone calls, we will eventually be dealing with a wage garnishment. If this happens, you won’t have a lot of money left over to take care of the necessities such as rent and food. Rather than struggling to stay on top of everything, set up an appointment with your Bankruptcy Lawyer in Harrisburg PA today.
The Parker Law Firm P.C. will be there to guide you every step of the way until your bankruptcy has been discharged. Not only will they work closely with you, they will also contact your creditors and inform them of your decision. This way, the wage garnishments will stop and so will the phone calls.
You are going to have to go to court for your bankruptcy. However, your Harrisburg PA Bankruptcy Lawyer will be there to guide you through this experience. For example, if your creditors show up to court, they may want to ask you some questions about your finances. This may sound a little scary. Thankfully, your lawyer is going to talk with you in advance so that you know what to say and what to expect.
It won’t be long before your bankruptcy has been discharged and you will be able to move forward with your life. Remember, your lawyer is going to be there to answer any questions that you may have. He will ask you to gather all of your bills together so that you don’t forget any of them. The only thing that you cannot file a bankruptcy on is government loans such as a student loan or child support and alimony.
There is nothing to be worried about when you are considering a bankruptcy. Make the decision to file and then allow your attorney to take care of the rest. He knows what you are dealing with and he will do whatever he can to get you through this process as quickly as possible. Set up an appointment today.