Your Criminal Law Attorney in Florence KY Will Protect You

by | Nov 19, 2014 | Law

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If you have been involved in criminal activity, you may feel a little overwhelmed with everything that is going on. You know that you are responsible for breaking the law. Unfortunately, you don’t really know who you can trust to handle your case. After all, if you aren’t careful, you could end up spending a lot of unnecessary time in jail. Before you make any decision as to how you are going to get yourself through this, get on the phone with a ,criminal law attorney in Florence KY today.

Your attorney will be happy to meet with you for a free consultation appointment. This will give you the chance to tell your side of the story. Your attorney knows that you are discouraged and he is going to help you as much as he can. Unfortunately, he cannot help you unless you are completely honest with him about the things that you have gone through. Even though it may be embarrassing to admit, you need to let him know whether or not you are guilty. If you are guilty, admit it. If not, make sure that your attorney knows your side of things.

It will benefit you if you can get some help for your problems. For example, if you were arrested for drugs, if you are willing to put yourself into rehabilitation, this will benefit your case. If you can provide proof that you are in rehab, the judge will be more likely to reduce your sentence. Do what you can to turn your life around and make sure that the judge is aware of your new habits. You never know, you may be able to have your fine reduced. You may also be able to reduce your jail sentence. Set up an appointment with your criminal law attorney in Florence KY today and he will do everything he can to make things right. Keep in mind, the judge is the one who will have the final say. However, if you follow the advice of your attorney, it is more likely that things will work out the way that you are hoping.